Sunday, January 9, 2011

Apple's Co-Founder takes a salary of $1 .... AGAIN !!

Apple Inc. chief Steve Jobs and co-founder of the company is taking an annual salaray of $1 .

Without Steve Jobs , Apple Inc. wont be able to be the the world's most-valuable technology company based on market capitalization, mr.Steve was the one who made the idea of iPod digital media player, followed by the iPhone, plus the iPad early last year .

Mr.Jobs known for taking a salary of $1 since 1997 . and he owns 5.5 million share of the company and hasn't sold any shares since 1997 .

And in the same time , it seems that the company's operating chief, Timothy Cook, taking a salary of $800,000 in 2010 along with other bonus money and bonds awards .

1 comment:

  1. I've googled it and what i found is that Steve Jobs gets a salary of 1$ because of either tax reasons of that amount of pay, 1$ dollar or tax planing, which means to reduce the amount of tax he's got to pay.
    he gets his money for shares and bonuses
