Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Japan Keeps a High Wall for Foreign Labor

Japan Keeps a High Wall for Foreign Labor

Japan is about to face a huge loss in its working force. According to government forecasts, by 2055 one in every three Japanese will be over 65 years old. The reason is its harsh policies regarding immigration.For example: Foreign nurses that wish to live and work in japan have to take a difficult exam that passed only 3 out of 600 nurses that were brought to japan from Indonesia and the Philippines. That exam was said to be designed to be failed in. Japan seems to have done everything in its power to keep immigrants away. Even foreigners who graduated from its universities and schools. Experts say that an open policy regarding immigration would be perfect boost to its economic growth. Yet japan continues to reject almost all people and the innovation they might bring from overseas. Foreign Investors are also concerned by the fact that japan is not very foreign friendly. The director of the Japan Immigration Policy Institute said that japan's decreasing population was the biggest problem and that America manages stays vibrant because it attracts people from all over the world.

1 comment:

  1. With their closed policy they have maintained the second largest economy in the globe ,and they are losing that rank not due to closed immigration policy ,they are losing the second ranking for other major reasons such as emerging countries China ,India.
