Monday, January 3, 2011

The War Over Spending

The country's over spending(Budget spending) will come to an end by marsh. That's when the temporary funding expires and when the country's debt load will be close to the legal debt limit. The real question is " What will happen in the seven remaining months of this fiscal year?" The budget fight could be voted whether to raise the country's debt limit, which is $14.294 trillion. If The Debt ceiling is ever reached then the country would effectively be in default which would mean failure to meet financial obligations. Fiscally Conservative lawmakers may use the opportunity of the upcoming debt ceiling vote to demand spending cuts in exchange for their supports.

Tax reform is the process of changing the way taxes are collected and managed by the government. Income rates can be greatly decreased if the hundreds of tax breaks in the code are streamlined with some being reduced in value and many being eliminated together. This first round of this Debate will take place on January 5. So what will happen, will they raise the the debt limit/ceiling or will they cut spending. If they decide to cut spending, hundreds of firefighters could lose their jobs. The economy will increase in the unemployment rate and will affect everyone.
Follow This Link: The War Over Spending

Summarized By Talat Zaitoun 10B1

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